5 Daily Me Time Ideas

Work, kids, school, friends, spouse, where is the time for relaxation and peace? When I speak about me time it does not have to be some elaborate idea or task. Me time should be a time where you unwind from your daily duties and enjoy some peace. Preferably, doing whatever it is you want to do. Your me-time can be as long as you need it to be. Just make sure you set aside a pocket of time each day for yourself.

Like myself, I am sure you are not just sitting around with hours of time to do something for yourself. Therefore, I have come up with 5 daily me-time ideas that provide relaxation and peace. that I like to do during my time away from the hustle and bustle that I call life. These ideas can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. It depends on how much time you have to devote each day. 

My me time is typically at night before I go to bed. I use this time because it is important to me that I destress and unwind before taking all that baggage to bed with me. By taking this time I believe I am a lot more relaxed when I wake up and prepare for a new day. 

Some women I know use the morning for their alone time. They like to sip their coffee on the back porch and enjoy the quietness before the chaos begins. 

You may choose to make lunchtime your designated alone time. That is totally fine too. The point is to make sure you have it set and you use it. In addition, you are encouraged to switch things up sometimes. If possible, you could create a plan to do specific things on certain days of the week. 

  1. Shower/Bath with Music

This sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But tell me the last time you really took the time to enjoy a nice hot shower or bath without someone knocking on the door or yelling your name. Anytime I get a chance to sneak off and shower alone I run for the opportunity. 

I have also created a special playlist to play during this time. If you are anything like me, I bet your best performances happen in the bathroom or car (LOL). I instantly turn into Beyonce the minute I hit the shower.

Sometimes this is the only real-time I have to myself before I head to bed. I take full advantage of it. 

  1. Read a Book

I can admit that growing up I hated to read and write papers. This is interesting now because I am a teacher writing a blog. Anyways, I can now say I enjoy reading because I have found the genre for me. I am not a novel girl. I like inspirational books, the type that makes me eager to keep on pushing. Find what genre you like and dive into a good book. Books can be expensive so if you are a person who likes to remain frugal when they can check out your local library. And if you don’t want to do that, use that smartphone you’re probably holding. You can also google different topics or ideas that interest you and a ton of books will show up along with reviews and samples. 

Whenever I decide on a book I like to spend a few nights a week reading it. Now I say a few nights a week because some nights I just don’t have the time or I just don’t want to. I usually set my timer for at least 20 minutes, turn my phone on do not disturb, and drift off into the words of the book. This calms my mind and provides me with the peace I need to continue on. 

  1. Paint

Disclaimer, I am not an artist whatsoever, I can barely draw a straight line! However, I enjoy painting. Have you ever been to a sip and paint class? That is where I found out painting brings me joy. 

Due to me not being an artist I improvise. I go to youtube university and search for videos that show you step by step how to paint. Sometimes I will order pre-sketched canvas from different stores or Amazon. I have even traced a picture I printed from the computer. If I don’t order a pre-sketched canvas I will go to pretty much any store that sells canvases,  acrylic paint, and paintbrushes and buy my supplies. OH, yea I grab a bottle of wine too.

Wine always brings me tranquility! 

 Decide on which method works best for you and become Picasso or Van Gogh.  

  1. Color

I am sure you are thinking this woman is nuts! But seriously coloring can provide you with some much-needed relaxation and it doesn’t require as much effort as painting. There is research that shows that color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, helps physical and mental health by balancing your body’s energy. 

You can literally paint a picture of the computer that you want to color and turn it into a picture your parents would be proud to hang on the refrigerator. Personally, I enjoy adult coloring books. Some come with funny sayings or motivational quotes. If you can actually draw, you could draw something from scratch and color it. I can almost guarantee that you will feel calmer and relaxed. 

  1. Journal

This is something that I do daily! I love writing out my thoughts, feelings, and desires. It is something about putting everything on paper that helps me release any stress that I may be feeling at that moment. When I first started journaling I felt a little childish because I remember when I was younger I used to write in my diary. Then it dawned on me that the only reason I stopped writing in my diary in the first place was that someone else told me it wasn’t “cool”. Now I am an adult who believes that cool is being able to remain sane, which journaling helps me do. 

I also take picking out a journal very seriously too. I make sure to get one that has pretty colors and motivational saying on the cover. My journal also needs to come with a zipper to close it or an elastic band to keep it closed. Yes! When it comes to my journals I would say I am high maintenance HAHAHA.  Recently, I’ve found a love for colorful pens to write with. Those colors jump right off the page and it seems almost as if the colors bring more meaning to what I am trying to convey in my message.  

You do not have to be as elaborate as I am when purchasing a journal. It is totally fine to use a notebook from the dollar tree or take an old three-prong folder and add some notebook paper. 

The fun about this whole journaling thing is that you can literally write about anything you want to write about. You can write about your day, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, your goals, your fears, even your prayers. You can write a song, poetry, or even a letter that you have no real intentions of sending. No matter where what, or why you decide to write the end goal is to be less tense than you were when you picked up the pen. Journaling is a powerful tool that I believe could help so many people.

selfcare relaxation and peace sign