Each day we are faced with numerous responsibilities and duties. Many times, these things are for the following work, school, children, and or spouses. It can be really hard to balance your sanity and self-awareness in the midst of taking care of everyone else’s needs. Here are 4 ways to maintain your sanity in such a demanding world.
Yes, we have daily responsibilities that require helping others and making sure they have the things they need. However, there are times when you can take on a task that is not a part of anything that is important to you or serves you any purpose. Too often we say yes to things that we want to say no to. Those things we really do not want to do but do in order to keep someone else from being upset or disappointed in us must stop. Learn how to say no. You do not have to be rude or nasty about it. But a simple “no, I cannot” is fine. This will keep you from stressing and straining on how and when you will have the time to complete the task.
Also, you are not obligated to give anyone a reason why you cannot do something. As an adult, you have the authority over what you do and what you do not do. Set those boundaries early. Therefore, you do not have an eternal battle with yourself.
One of the major problems we have as a society is comparison. It is only getting worse with the numerous ways to “observe” other people’s lives via social media. Let me tell you something, people show and tell you what they want you to know not what you want to know. Comparing yourself to others will only lead to self-doubt, depression, anxiety, and clouded judgment.
There is something special in you that is not in anyone else. It may be similar at first glance, but I promise you it is not exactly alike. The fastest way to kill that special gift is to compare it to something or someone else. By comparing yourself you are taking part in self-sabotage. I am a firm believer in what God has for me no man can take away. Know that you are where you should be now that is intended for you to be there. If you feel stuck or lack motivation do not seek social media influencers or celebrities to base your importance on. Seek counsel from God and ask him to give you guidance and understanding.
Why are you working that job? To make more money? Why are you buying that house? To keep up with your best friend? Why are you seeking that degree? To do better than your siblings? If you are doing any of those things for the benefit of bragging rights or to make a substantial amount of money, I suggest you self-reflect and refocus. Gaining access to material things will cause you to burn out and lose sight of what is important. Anytime money and pride are in the midst of why your judgment becomes clouded and you gamble your sanity. So much time will be spent on quick schemes and ideas to get you what you want. Those ideas could cause you to lose sleep, trust, money, and possibly relationships.
Your why does not have to be some elaborate affirmation. It can be as simple as; I want my children to have a better life. Whenever your why is bigger than you, you will be able to pull from a level of strength that you never knew you had. You will look forward to those moments of joy in someone else’s eyes, which will fuel you to keep pushing.
Take a break. In today’s generation, people have the mindset that nothing comes to a person who sleeps. That is ridiculous thinking. Even God needed to rest. He specifically stated that he rested on the 7th day. Who are we to say we do need rest when the creator of all things needed rest?
There will come a time when you need to stop and take a moment for yourself. When you lack rest, your body goes into survival mode. You are unable to communicate properly, you become irritable, and you lack clear judgment. Rest and sleep are a necessity to maintaining your sanity.
You can read some 5 Hacks on How to Gain Me Time and 5 Daily Me time Ideas That Provide Relaxation and Peace for more tips.