There are several reasons why you need to save money. There may be some big purchase you want to make or debt you are trying to pay off. Why you want to save money isn’t the most important thing right. The most important thing is how you can save money without having to get a second income. As a teacher, I am nowhere near making six figures. Add in the fact that I am a student, who is paying out of pocket, and a mother of twins. You can definitely say I am not rolling in cash. Therefore, I had to come up with 5 ways to save money and maximize my salary but still enjoy life.
There have been times where I have looked at my account and wondered where my money went. That is due to me just spending money without actually having any idea where it was going. Every month I felt the need to find a part-time job just to make ends meet. Then someone introduced me to Dave Ramsey and the every dollar app. This app requires you to put in your monthly income and monthly expenses. Fill in essential categories first and then fill in the other things you spend money on (hair, nails, gas, clothes, restaurant, etc). And then you add your transactions when you spend money. You can even link the app to your bank account and the transaction will automatically appear in the app. After putting in my monthly income and expenses I became more continuous of what I was spending my money on.
Oh, yea! Did I mention there is a savings category too? As you are planning your budget you are also working toward your savings goal. Saving is another topic all by itself.
By having a monthly budget I am able to decide in advance what is important to me that month. From month to month things change. For example, if I know I will be going out of town I will add a category for that particular trip. Since I am able to keep up with what I am spending money on, I am to set aside money for those things that I want to do for myself.
2. Ordering groceries
I am sure you are thinking “that is just lazy” but let me tell you I save so much money by doing this. How many times have you gone into the store for 3 things and you come out with 11 things? At the time it doesn’t seem like much until it happens weekly and begins to tap into your mommy fund. In my post
“Top 5 Things to Help Gain Some Me Time” I mentioned creating a menu. You should use that menu to create your grocery list. When you write out your menu, write out the ingredients you will need to prepare that meal. Therefore, you will have everything you need and will not have to stop at the store daily. There is one thing I hate and that is getting off of work and going to the store. Not only will you be purchasing the things you need, but you will also be able to stay within budget.
And who am I kidding, whether you are on a budget or not, I am sure you enjoy going grocery shopping.
Cook/Limit eating out
If you are going to create a menu and buy the groceries, then use them. I cannot tell you how many times I have gone to a fast-food restaurant when I had the exact same food in my freezer. Sometimes, I would even stop by the restaurant on my way home from the grocery store. I know you’re busy and tired and I completely understand. Trust me I feel your pain. However, fast food restaurant meals cost at least $5 bucks a meal and when you total in the number of people you have to feed, it adds up. Not to mention, if you have to take lunch to work the next day. I am sure you will end up spending money again at another restaurant, when in reality if you could save by having leftovers.
Don’t get me wrong, it is ok to eat out but do not make it a daily habit if you are trying to save money. Which is another thing I set aside money for in the app too.
4. Do somethings yourself
Now, this tip actually stems from being in a pandemic. When the virus arrived many things closed down and jobs became scarce. In order to maintain my account, and health, I had to learn how to do a few things for myself that I would normally pay someone else to do.
The first thing was my hair. Now anyone who really knows me knows I hate doing my own hair. Like I really do not like doing my hair. However, I realized it was just the fact that I did not actually know what I was doing. I made many different excuses for why I could not do my own hair. I would say things like, I have too much hair, my arms will get tired, or it’ll take me too long. That is when YouTube university and her neighboring school Pinterest (LOL) stepped in. I began to search for all these different ways to do my hair. I was amazed at the fact that there so many detailed videos on different hairstyles and multiple methods for each. And the plus is, I have saved a ton.
I have also started doing my own nails. When I say doing my own nails, I mean I buy the really pretty Kiss press-on nails and put them on. Before you giggle, these press-on nails are not the same nails they were when I was a little girl. They come in different shapes and lengths with rhinestones and designs.
In order to get the most wear out of them, I found several videos on how to make them last for two weeks and it has been a game-changer. I am now paying $10 (if that) when I could walk into a nail salon and easily pay a minimum of $60. I have had many women compliment me on my nails and after telling them they are press on they are amazed.
Other ideas would be cooking, cutting the grass, washing the car, and fixing little things here and there. Again youtube and Pinterest have changed my life in so many ways because there is literally a video or pin for everything.
Use the library
I am sure you are like WTH!! But listen, as I mentioned in 5 daily me-time ideas, I enjoy a good book every now and then and I also need specific books for my students. That can all become expensive, even if you do go to stores that sell used books. A good friend once recommended that I check out a particular book instead of buying it. I haven’t been the same since. And get this, there’s an app too! You can look up books you are looking for and have them on hold waiting for you when you arrive. Therefore, you do not have to search the shelves upon arrival. Also, if your local library doesn’t have the book, you can get the book sent to your local library from another library at no cost.
The library is not only a place to check out books, you can also find movies, magazines, classes, and children’s activities all for FREE.
Oh, yea it is quiet. So let’s just pretend you need some time to yourself to thumb through your social media apps or sort out your planner. You can always pull up a chair at your local library and gain the peace and tranquility you’ve been looking for.
Check out my amazing friend’s Instagram, Adollartilwealth, for more ways to budget your money and other financial tips!