We live in a fast past society. Full of the opinions of family, neighbors, friends, and even strangers. Essentially this generation believes that sleep is for the weak and for those who do not want much out of life. Honey! Let me tell you something, rest is essential.
Why should all of our time be spent on doing a million different things, but everything is only getting 10% of me because I am drained and exhausted? We do not expect our phones, computers, or cars to run off of 1% battery life, so why do you think you can? In order to be there for anyone else, you have to avoid exhaustion and burned out. Personally, I would feel guilty for wanting to rest when there was so much that could have been doing. And then I read this
“Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he RESTED from all the work of creating that he had done.” Genesis 2:3
If God needed rest how do you think we can make it without it? We can’t!
I constantly made excuses why I stayed up so late or why I was so irritable. Lack of sleep makes you irritable! Your patients are thin and your emotions are all over the place. You begin to take your frustration out on everybody around you, including the ones you love the most. When you are tired everyone around you suffers. It is impossible to give the very best when you aren’t 100%. So do yourself and everyone around you a favor and get the ESSENTIAL REST you deserve!
If you need help with ways to find time to rest check out 5 life hacks on how to gain me time or if you want to find simple things you can do other than sleep read 5 Daily me time ideas that provide relaxation and peace